Gallery Event!
Tuesday, September 19 | 6 pm - 8 pm
Booth Theater Lobby
The Journey: Art Exhibit by International House
International House was established in 1981 to be a symbol of tolerance, understanding, and compassion to the international community. The organization was opened to be a cultural center that provided people with the opportunities to learn, share, experience, and understand our neighbors, and to make lasting connections and friendships.
With Blumenthal Performing Arts and International House partnering together for the Charlotte International Arts Festival, we're excited to present for the third year: The Journey.
This project focuses on the use of visual arts to illustrate the harrowing, complicated, and hope-filled journeys our immigrant and refugee neighbors take to come to the United States.
Thirteen immigrant artists have been invited to submit a piece of art that represents their journey to the United States, allowing the community to experience their story and take a walk in their shoes.
You Can Vote!
Please join this free gallery event to vote on your favorite piece, enjoy hors d'oeuvres from Aria, stop by the cash bar, and meet the artists to learn more about their journeys.
At this event, you will be able to cast one vote, and the winning artist will have their artwork featured in International House’s Annual Report for 2023 as well as win a $500 prize provided by International House.
Our past winners are Angela Lubinecky and Aguinaldo Santos.
We hope you will join us Tuesday, September 19th from 6 pm - 8 pm.
The Journey: Art Exhibit
September 15 - October 1
Second Floor of Founders Hall
You're invited to explore the meaningful art of thirteen 2023 participating artists during the open hours at Founders Hall.
We hope you will share photos and comments on our social media channels through our participation with the Charlotte International Arts Festival!