A Call for Artists

International House invites immigrant artists to submit a proposal for a piece that represents their journey to the United States, allowing the community to hear or see their story and take a walk in their shoes.
Participating artists must be over 18 years old and born outside the United States
If selected, as a participant who is chosen to create their piece for The Journey, each artist will be given a stipend as well as audience exposure during a 20-day display inside one of Charlotte International Arts Festival's venues. Once selected, each artist will have between the time of receiving an acceptance email and a due date allowing enough time to be dropped off with Blumenthal Arts to be installed.
Additionally, all selected artists will be invited to a gallery event, hosted by International House, where community members will see your artwork, ask questions, and possibly purchase available work.
The community members will vote, and the winning artist will have their artwork featured in International House’s Annual Report for 2024 as well as win a prize provided by International House.

Submission for The Journey are open through August 1st, 2024.
Submit your artistic vision: Proposals should be designed to not exceed 36" in any direction. 3-D pieces must weigh less than 50 pounds. Please complete and submit the application form to identify your title, visual idea, and a brief narrative for the art piece. If selected, you will have until September 9th to complete and drop off your piece for installation.
El viaje: exhibición de arte y competencia
International House presenta The Journey: concurso de arte y exposición. Invitar a artistas inmigrantes a enviar una obra de arte que represente su viaje a los Estados Unidos, lo que permitirá a la comunidad ver su historia y ponerse en su lugar.
La competencia:
Los artistas locales aparecerán en nuestro sitio web, en nuestro blog y en las redes sociales, donde sus obras de arte e historias se compartirán con la comunidad. Cada obra de arte se exhibirá en la recaudación de fondos de otoño de International House, Tapas y Testimonios para que las personas hagan ofertas y vean la obra de arte en persona. La obra de arte que más se recaude durante la subasta será la obra de arte ganadora de la competencia y exhibición de 2022. El día final de la competencia será el 16 de septiembre de 2022.
El artista ganador recibirá un estipendio y la imagen electrónica se utilizará en el Informe anual de International House y en los materiales de marketing del evento para 2023.